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Interactional skills for language learners

講義可能日 6月~7月 月曜、金曜(いずれも終日)
10月~2月 月曜、金曜(いずれも終日)
キーワード Speaking, interaction, communication
講義内容 In my lecture I will describe some of the basic rules of spoken interaction such as turn-taking, repair, backchanneling and use of discourse markers. I will describe ways in which Japanese learners of English often speak and describe some of the ways that learners can develop their spoken English to help them interact with others in English in a more naturalistic way. I will outline the content of my classes at KWU and describe the learning goals of the department. 
使用機器 液晶プロジェクター、スクリーン
講師名 John Campbell-Larsen
プロフィール John Campbell-Larsen is from the UK and is professor at the department of English Language Cultures and Communication at Kyoto Women’s University. He researches pragmatics and conversation analysis.
ジョン・キャンベルラーセン 英国出身、京都女子大学コミュニケーション学部英語文化学科教授。語用論と会話分析を研究。
専門分野 I research conversation analysis, pragmatics and cognitive linguistics. I try to understand the ways in which speakers use language to sustain interaction and look at the similarities and differences in communicative practices between Japanese and English languages. 
現在取り組んでいる研究 I am currently working on the methods that Japanese and English speakers make assessments and agree with those assessments. This involves both the pragmatics of showing agreement, which differ between the two languages, and also the meanings of assessing adjectives which are not directly translatable. 

I will deliver the lecture in both English and Japanese